Friday, February 8, 2008

Batman Beyond Phase 1

So a new hobbie i'm tryin' is making new toys out
of old ones. My friend Jamilyn hipped me
to this guy named, Jin-Saotome,
The guy makes awesome stuff! So i wanted to
give this sculpting thing a try. I'm nowhere near
where Jin is at, but so far i've had a lot of fun.
Here are a few shots of the first phase.
My friend Jason supplied the Snake Eyes Sigma 6
figure, thank you sir! And then i went at it with
"Apoxie Sculpt". Excellent stuff! Next up is the paint!!
So tune in next week on this same Bat Channel!


John Mallamas said...

Hey cool! You mentioned me!! I'm glad you like my work, and ooh, you're doing a batman! And check out my site as I have an entire page with customizing guides that cover everything from a headswap to paint rub!


Don Chente said...

Hey Jin,
Sorry about misspelling your name before. Yes, you do some pretty neat stuff I gotta say. Thanks for checking out my Batman project. It's a lot of fun working with this apoxie sculpt. Thanks for all the custom guides. They're a HUGE help!


Evan said...

hey i see your figure its pretty awsome and im a huge batman beyond fan so i was wondering would you please sell the figure to